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3 Summertime Family Tips to Transform the Parenting Blues!

Meghan "Faeth" Mulqueen

Often times as parents and caregivers of children, the thought of summer can either give us the blues or it can be the greatest news! Try the 3 Summertime Family Tips below to transform summer time blues into great news!

  1. Daily Summer Chart - Creating a "flexible" daily rhythm helps create some consistency around day-to-day chores, fun activities, and also helps to create a sense of safety and structure for children who need to have a "daily"plan." Below is a sample chart that can help you get a sense of what you might want to include or how to create your own chart!

Sample daily summertime chart
Summer Chart

2. Purchase your own copy of Whole Self, Whole Child's latest Ebook, "20 Tips and Tricks to Get Your Kids Listening TODAY!"

Let's face matter how many tricks and tips you already have in your parenting toolbox, when you are playing, caring for and parenting your children this summer 24/7, it's A LOT!

Many of us get tired, maxed out emotionally, mentally and physically and we may need some EXTRA tips and tools so we can keep sane and calm, which is why Whole Self, Whole Child's latest Ebooks, Masterclasses and Audiobooks are available to help, support and guide you back into your kind, loving, and patient selves!

Parenting Ebook for  Summertime
20 Parenting Tips and Tricks To Get Your Kids Listening Today!

3. Create Individual or a Family Summer "Bucket List"

Summertime is meant to be fun! So make sure you take the time to play, go on adventures and spend quality time with yourself and your children, while engaging in activities that you all can enjoy together! One way to transform your summer experience is to create individual and/or Family "Bucket Lists!"

Bucket Lists help create excitement, wonder, and fun to your summer! They also give you and your children a chance to explore, create, and try new things, creating meaningful memories for all!

Bucket Lists can be whimisical or fantastical, it is really up to your and your family to decide the how, when and where....but please ensure that whatever and whenever you do what is on your lists, that as parents and caregivers, you are creating the time, energy, and space to be present and fully participatory (that means not being on your phone or tech device).

Also, even if your child's idea of fun feels boring or perhaps the last thing you want to do, please remember that the completion of bucket lists is about you and your child's needs, wants and preferences. Bucket Lists are about strengthening and deepening your relationships as a family as well as with each child individually...and you never just might actually have fun digging for worms or creating a fairy garden! Below is an example of a bucket list in case you and your family are in need of some prompts!

Sample Summertime Bucket List
Sample Summertime Bucket List

I hope the above 3 Summertime Tips and Tricks help make your summer the most unforgettable summer yet and transform your summer blues into fun, great news!

PS. If you need extra support this summer, please don't hesitate to reach out and book your FREE 30 minute consult or PRIVATE Parent-Kid-Family Coaching Session with Whole Self, Whole Child...because we all know it takes a village...and Whole Self, Whole Child is and always will be a part of your Family's Village!

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