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Whole Self, Whole Child Puppet Shows Teach Growth Mindset, Conflict Resolution Skills, Emotional Regulation, Earth Connection and MORE!
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"Faeth helped me to talk to my mom about hard things.

She helped me and my mom to talk and hug and love each other.  She helped me to feel safe to feel big feelings. I love her!"

~ Zurie, Age 7

"Faeth helped me to like myself and taught me that everyone is doing the best they can in every moment...that I am ok and that there is nothing wrong with me! She taught me to stand up for what is right and how to deal with bullying. I am so much happier because she helped me!"

~ River, Age 10

"Faeth is an amazing teacher & coach! Working with her has simply up leveled my child’s heart & personality! The tools she has shared are simple to incorporate in everyday’s life with kids! Thank you Faeth for your support & knowledge! My kid is empowered!" 

~ Yulia, Mom to Son George, Age 6

"Faeth is my worry teacher. Whenever I have a worry, she helps me solve it. She plays games with me, does puppet shows and teaches me that I have super powers and how to be a good friend! Everyone should have a "Faeth" to talk to!"

~ Ci Ci, Age 7

Whole Self, Whole Child Kids Coaching...

Every child deserves a chance to become their best, most empowered and loving versions of themselves, but are stuck in some sort of hurt, fearful, angry, protective, and smaller version of themselves in which they feel very afraid, wrong, unloveable, unlikeable, and unworthy or love, good or kindness. 


Maybe they are being bullied, or feel unloved, insignificant, unseen or unsafe and are acting out through defiance, resistance, hitting, yelling, name calling, shutting down, ignoring, temper tantruming, lying, stealing, or just completely disconnecting through technology or video games. 


Whatever the case may be, your child is in pain and is trying his/her best to communicate "I need help! I am in pain," to you through their thoughts, words, and actions. If you feel at a loss as to how to identify the real reasons why your children are misbehaving, or simply want to add more "Parenting Tools" to Your "Parenting Toolbelt," Whole Self, Whole Child Kid Coaching Can Help Your Children who are struggling, experiencing, or have gone through the following:


- Divorce

- Anger Management

- Tantrums and Power Struggles

- Defiance and Disrespect

- Technology Addiction

- Social Emotional Learning

- Simple Parenting Tools, Tips and Strategies that WORK

- Non-Violent Communication

- Bullying

- Negative Self-Image

- Relationship Challenges

- Emotional Regulation

- Growth Mindset

- Solution-Oriented Thinking and Problem-Solving

- Executive Functioning Skills and Organizational Planning

~ Goal and Vision Setting, Manifestation and Visualization for Success 

- Self-Empowerment and Positive Self-Image

- Emotional and Nervous System Regulation 


If you need tools, tips or strategies to support your children with the above "life challenges or situations," or would like to Book a Free 30 Minute Consultation with Faeth, please call or email Faeth





P: 1- 828-242-1574

WhatsApp: +1 - 828-242-1574



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